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Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Reading Site! These are the top ten articles that your Reading Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy! 1. BellaOnline 33129 2. BellaOnline 21546 3. Create A Baby Reading Journal Creating a baby reading journal is an easy, fun, and beautiful activity that you can treasure now, and share with your child in the future. Keeping a reading journal for your baby can even begin when you're pregnant. 4. BellaOnline 11232 5. BellaOnline 37977 6. BellaOnline 36555 7. How To Create A Vocabulary Word Story Vocabulary lists are not always the most exciting homework your child can bring home. If the arrival of a weekly list of new words into your home is causing dismay and disgruntlement, fear not. You might just find my solution less dreadful. Let’s write a vocabulary story!
8. How To Create A Vocabulary Word Story Vocabulary lists are not always the most exciting homework your child can bring home. If the arrival of a weekly list of new words into your home is causing dismay and disgruntlement, fear not. You might just find my solution less dreadful. Let’s write a vocabulary story!
9. You Need To Read If You Want To Write If you’ve ever thought of writing a book, it may help you to read, and then read more. This article will tell you WHY reading is important to your own writing, and WHAT you can read. 10. BellaOnline 46750 Be sure to visit the Reading Archives for all the articles! |
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